Monday, February 15, 2010


Please stay back after school tomorrow to discuss about the coming parade.We have to make some changes about it. Thank you. :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Attention to all sec 3
this tuesday you will have to stay back for meeting
which is tomorrow
-Xi Li

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Hi there, this is the posting for our squad
Just incase you are unclear

Chairman: Syafiqah

Vice chairman:Cherry

Logistic ICs: Chai ming(overall),Yong zhang(assistant),Yong hao,Irvin

Campcraft ICs : Kimberly(overall),Anisa(assistant),Xili,Jia hui,Sean and Cherry

Drills ICs: Yong zhang(overall),Syazrin(assistant),Peiru,Syafiqah,Chai ming

Admin ICs : Sean (overall),Anisa(assistant),Kimberly,Peiru,Ivan

Publication ICs : Jia hui, Xili

PTIs: Peiru,Irvin and Yong hao

House masters : Yong zhang(Earth),xili(Fire),anisa(Wind) and Syazrin(Water)

Do correct me if there is any mistake ^^
Credit: Anisa & Yongzhang


Monday, February 1, 2010


There will be a meeting tomorrow after school to discuss about
the schedule for next parade which is this coming Friday.

Other then that, we will also discuss something rather important.
So please do turn up.
everyone please gather at the canteen once your school end.

Vincent sir would also like us to bring our full U top and berect only to school
this coming saturday.

Please fall in by 10.30AM

UCC training will resume this coming Saturday
Attire: To be comfirmed. Either PE + track pants or Unit Tee + track pants
